Sleeping Lady


Welcome to the Sleep Lab!


The Kerner Sleep Lab at NYSPI is interested in contributing to the scientific literature surrounding neurodegenerative brain diseases and sleep. The impact of poor sleep and disrupted circadian rhythms on disease initiation and progression in neurodegenerative diseases is still unknown. Our research aims to help fill that gap.


Nancy Kerner, M.D. is the Principal Investigator as well as the primary study physician of the Assessment of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Elderly Persons with Cognitive Concerns Evaluated for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) study.


ADRD is also known as the Sleep and Physical Activities Study. This NIH-funded study uses wrist actigraphy to record participants’ sleep and physical activity levels over a fifteen-day period. We are actively recruiting participants from TOPAD for this study. If you wish to learn more, please click here.

















Research Team

Kimberly Espejo

Nancy Kerner, M.D

Shabelle Paulino